The United States is facing an unprecedented national security threat from “illegal immigration,” which is in fact a multi-million strong invasion of mostly military-age males from countries all over the world, to include adversary states such as China, Iran, and Venezuela, to name a few. At the same time, Ukraine is facing a massive manpower shortfall after ~300,000 of their citizens have been slaughtered so far in The War to Save Money Laundering, Sex Trafficking, and Bioweapons Labs. The SAD TRIIP is designed to solve both problems at the same time by:
a) creating a strong incentive for military-age males who want to illegally enter the US to reconsider their plans; and, for those who come anyway,
b) shipping them to Ukraine to provide that country with what it needs most: More cannon fodder to die under Russian guns, preferably non-Ukrainian (which they already do with all of the “volunteers” who found death instead of glory when they matriculated to the front lines to, ahem, “fight for democracy”).
1. All Military Age Males Who Enter Illegally (MAMWEI) are processed and given an asylum hearing court date (usually 2-3 years from their processing date).
2. After receiving their asylum hearing court date, all MAMWEI are loaded into US Army trucks and delivered to the nearest US Army base that offers Basic Combat Training (BCT).
3. When the MAMWEI arrive at their destination, they are issued Ukrainian military uniforms, assigned to Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 11B Infantryman or 11C Indirect Fire Infantryman, and put through BCT. All MAMWEI will receive an additional training module in Basic Ukrainian Military Commands (BUMCOs). This will be a one-day module and consist mostly of learning the Ukrainian words for “run,” “duck,” “charge,” “watch out,” “you stay here, I'll be back soon,” “drone!” “make the tourniquet tighter,” “I’m out of ammo,” and the like.
Note: They will not be taught the Ukrainian (or Russian) words for “retreat” or “I surrender.”
4. After MAMWEI complete BCT, they are sent to Ukraine to fight the Russians until one week before their asylum hearing court date or they die, whichever comes first.
5. If President Trump is re-elected and ends The War to Save Money Laundering, Sex Trafficking, and Bioweapons Labs before a MAMWEI asylum hearing court date, that MAMWEI will be transferred to Gaza, issued an Israel Defense Force (IDF) uniform and then clear Hamas tunnels until one week before his asylum hearing court date or he dies, whichever comes first.
6. Leaflets explaining The SAD TRIIP, written in the languages of all known MAMWEI, shall be distributed by air over Mexico and through all the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) currently aiding and abetting illegal entry into the United States. A tractor trailer full of these leaflets will also be delivered to the homes of George Soros, President Biden, and President Obama, and to the offices of the Democrat National Committee and Organizing For America.
7. The incountry component of The SAD TRIIP will duplicate the border component: US military special operations forces will hunt down all MAMWEI inside the US (Chinese, Iranian, Arab, and Venezuelan MAWEI will be priority targets), then load them onto U.S. Army trucks, and deliver them to the nearest US Army base that offers Basic Combat Training (BCT). The incountry MAMWEI will then go through the same training regimen as their comrades who were processed at the border.
1. The SAD TRIIP will reduce the supply of MAMWEI by giving them a powerful incentive to stay the <BLEEP> away from the U.S. border no matter how many freebies the Democrat Party and associated NGOs give them, to wit: If they enter the U.S. illegally, they won't get a free phone, lodging, medical care, and three squares a day on the taxpayer dime; they'll get to die muddy, bloody, and dismembered on a Ukrainian battlefield.
2. The SAD TRIIP will reduce the demand for MAMWEI by Democrats and associated NGOs alike because, instead of gaining new voters, insurrectionists, and sleeper cells intent on destroying America, they'll get nothing except disappointment as they watch all their hard work get shipped off to die muddy, bloody, and dismembered on a Ukrainian battlefield.
Winners: U.S. national security, the American people, and the war weenies who want more people to die muddy, bloody, and dismembered on Ukrainian battlefields to save their money laundering, sex trafficking, and bioweapons lab operations.
Losers: Democrat get-out-the-vote operations, Chinese, Iranian, and terrorist sleeper cell operators, and The NGO Comintern.
USA Sad Trip ain't so bad compared to European very Sad Trip. Da Sad Trippers living in da LaLaLand think mistakingly that there is a larger plan, which there is, but it's even more Sadder Trip than anyone dares to imagine. The horror of absolute stupidity of letting absolute evil con oneself always comes after the fact and is quite an enlightening experience for an individual. Now imagine that in a mass scale. For those interested check out The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (French: Psychologie des Foules; literally: Psychology of Crowds) by Gustave Le Bon, published in 1895.